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Category: algorithms | Component type: function |
template <class ForwardIterator, class LessThanComparable> ForwardIterator lower_bound(ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last, const LessThanComparable& value); template <class ForwardIterator, class T, class StrictWeakOrdering> ForwardIterator lower_bound(ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last, const T& value, StrictWeakOrdering comp);
The first version of lower_bound returns the furthermost iterator i in [first, last) such that, for every iterator j in [first, i), *j < value.
The second version of lower_bound returns the furthermost iterator i in [first, last) such that, for every iterator j in [first, i), comp(*j, value) is true.
int main() { int A[] = { 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 5, 8 }; const int N = sizeof(A) / sizeof(int); for (int i = 1; i <= 10; ++i) { int* p = lower_bound(A, A + N, i); cout << "Searching for " << i << ". "; cout << "Result: index = " << p - A << ", "; if (p != A + N) cout << "A[" << p - A << "] == " << *p << endl; else cout << "which is off-the-end." << endl; } }The output is:
Searching for 1. Result: index = 0, A[0] == 1 Searching for 2. Result: index = 1, A[1] == 2 Searching for 3. Result: index = 2, A[2] == 3 Searching for 4. Result: index = 5, A[5] == 5 Searching for 5. Result: index = 5, A[5] == 5 Searching for 6. Result: index = 6, A[6] == 8 Searching for 7. Result: index = 6, A[6] == 8 Searching for 8. Result: index = 6, A[6] == 8 Searching for 9. Result: index = 7, which is off-the-end. Searching for 10. Result: index = 7, which is off-the-end.
[1] Note that you may use an ordering that is a strict weak ordering but not a total ordering; that is, there might be values x and y such that x < y, x > y, and x == y are all false. (See the LessThan Comparable requirements for a more complete discussion.) Finding value in the range [first, last), then, doesn't mean finding an element that is equal to value but rather one that is equivalent to value: one that is neither greater than nor less than value. If you're using a total ordering, however (if you're using strcmp, for example, or if you're using ordinary arithmetic comparison on integers), then you can ignore this technical distinction: for a total ordering, equality and equivalence are the same.
[2] If an element that is equivalent to [1] value is already present in the range [first, last), then the return value of lower_bound will be an iterator that points to that element.
[3] This difference between Random Access Iterators and Forward Iterators is simply because advance is constant time for Random Access Iterators and linear time for Forward Iterators.
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