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Java Platform, Standard Edition Deployment Guide
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30 Troubleshooting

This topic provides troubleshooting tips to try if you encounter any problems deploying your Java or JavaFX applications.

This topic contains the following sections:

30.1 Running Applications

Use the following checklist if you have trouble running applications after they are packaged:

If the tips in the following sections do not help to resolve the issue, then the following actions are suggested:

30.2 Development Process Issues

30.3 Runtime Issues

Basic checklist:

30.3.1 Standalone Execution

  • Run the same application from the command line as
    java -jar MyApp.jar

    This way you can see actual exceptions and trace messages, if any.

  • Pass -Djavafx.verbose=true to enable verbose output from the embedded launcher.

  • If your application starts slowly, then it could be due to network configuration. Try disabling the autoproxy configuration by passing -Djavafx.autoproxy.disable=true to see if it helps.

30.3.2 Self-Contained Applications

30.3.3 Web Start

30.3.4 Applications Embedded in the Browser

30.3.5 Disabling the Autoproxy Configuration in the Code

By default, JavaFX application proxy settings are taken from the current browser if the application is embedded into a web page, or system proxy settings are used. Sometimes SOCKS proxy settings, specified in the System.setProxy are ignored.

If you need to disable the automatic proxy configuration in the application, specify a JavaFX-Feature-Proxy manifest entry in the fx:jar with the None as a value as in the following example.

    <attribute name="JavaFX-Feature-Proxy" value="None"/>

After you enter the JavaFX-Feature-Proxy manifest, the network stack will not be initialized prior to application code gets executed and you can set socks properties in the code.

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