if statement

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Conditionally executes code.

Used where code needs to be executed only if some condition is present.


[edit] Syntax

if ( expression ) statement_true
if ( expression ) statement_true else statement_false

[edit] Explanation

expression shall be an expression, convertible to bool.

If it evaluates to true, control is passed to statement_true, statement_false (if present) is not executed.

Otherwise, control is passed to statement_false, statement_true is not executed.

[edit] Keywords

if, else

[edit] Example

#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
    int i = 2;
    if (i > 2) {
        printf("first is true\n");
    } else {
        printf("first is false\n");
    i = 3;
    if (i == 3) printf("i == 3\n");
    if (i != 3) printf("i != 3 is true\n");
    else        printf("i != 3 is false\n");


first is false
i == 3
i != 3 is false